Transpersonal Coaching

“The transpersonal is the land of creativity, of playfulness, of no boundaries, of no restrictions, of endless joy. It is full of imagery, guided fantasies, unguided fantasies, sudden leaps, unpredictable discoveries. It is the most fun of any approach to coaching.” – John Rowan

Perhaps you are at a point in your life where you could use some help. And perhaps I can be the one to assist you at the current stage of your life and personal development.

My holistic (transpersonal) approach to coaching goes beyond the techniques that this profession commonly employs. I won’t trick you into changing yourself nor will I motivate you with empty platitudes that subside as quickly as they arise.

One important thing you need to know is that you are not broken and you don’t need to be fixed.

All you need to take the next step is a little shift in awareness, and I can help you with that.

How I Work

client centered coaching

You Centered

My approach is as you-centered as possible, meaning anything you bring into sessions is valuable.

You are the expert of your experience and my role as the coach is to hold the space and be an assistant on this extraordinary journey that is both discovery and creation.

What we are doing is co-creating a space in which transformation can happen. And this space is allowing the transformative process to unfold on its own so that by the end you emerge into a new state of being.

transpersonal coaching


As a trained transpersonal coach, I work with the whole person; physical, emotional, and spiritual to support you in creating an authentic life.

In this type of coaching, we go beyond mere goal setting. This, however, doesn’t mean that we’ll leave the personal behind. Instead, we will go beyond egocentrism so that the mundane and the spiritual paths merge.

The transpersonal approach will assist you in understanding the wisdom of your body, identifying your needs and values, releasing debilitating emotions, and breaking through limiting beliefs.

transformational coaching


You cannot solve problems by staying at the same level of awareness that created them. So what we are looking for is transformation, which means going beyond your current form and embodying a new level of awareness.

Transpersonal approaches by their very nature can lead to transformation and awakening. But they can also help you embody those experiences and integrate them into your daily life.

And when you expand your awareness, you might even see that you don’t need to solve problems as they suddenly cease to be problems.

Is Transpersonal Coaching For You?

Now you might wonder if this type of coaching is right for you.

Transpersonal coaching can help you not just with transcendental spiritual matters but also with “down-to-earth” challenges and problems.

Sessions usually involve a combination of guided awareness expansion, somatic (body/sensation based) focusing, and transpersonal (beyond the egoic self) psychological inquiry. The emphasis is on working with your current experience.

Some of the areas I can help you with:

Clarity and Purpose – Live with greater vitality, clarity, and purpose, and embody your authentic expression to be who you truly want to be.

Lifestyle Creation – Get clear on what you want your life to be like and start implementing it today.

Transpersonal Inquiry – Shine the light on your egoic blindspots to increase self-honesty and release limiting beliefs.

Spiritual Development – Start seeing the truth about who and what and where you really are.

Emotional Freedom – Understand, release, and transform negative emotions into resourceful responses.

Better Relationships – Improve your relationships, whether intimate, social, or professional to be free from unnecessary drama.

Personal Mastery Rise above poor self-esteem, low confidence, inner conflict, unworthiness, sense of lack, and feeling stuck or not good enough.

Having a Difficult Time – Sometimes you just need someone to hold the space for you to share and thus come to new insights about your life.

P.S. The coaching can happen in English or German.


Sometimes you just need someone to remind you that you are more than you think you are and much more capable than you think you are.

I would be honored if I can be the one reminding you of who you truly are.



Get in Touch

The questions are designed to help me get an initial snapshot of where you are and if we are a good fit. You don’t need to write an autobiography, but don’t put one-word answers either. And definitely don’t put what you think I want to hear, that won’t be useful to any of us. Be as honest, real, vulnerable, and truthful as you can.

After you submit the form I will review your answers and will be in touch shortly if I think I can help you. If you have any questions or problems don’t hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]

Note: Before we embark on this journey together, you’ll have the opportunity for a complimentary no-strings-attached conversation in which we can get to know each other and you can decide if transpersonal coaching is a good fit for you.

What kind of coaching are you interested in?

Do you have experience with awareness/meditation practices?

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