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Truth Is Simple and Singular

Truth Is Simple and Singular

"Truth is not hidden. You are hiding from it." — Nisargadatta Maharaj   Truth exists.   Saying truth doesn’t exist is like saying no truth is true, which is contradictory. This is simple logic.   And the truth is there can only be one truth. This is...

The Solution to All Your Problems

The Solution to All Your Problems

I'm going to suggest a solution to all your problems. It might sound dumb to you initially but stick with me. Here it is:   Stop worrying about anything.   Most of us know that worrying doesn't add anything constructive to our lives. Terence McKenna said it...

The All-Consuming Fire

The All-Consuming Fire

"Give a man a match and he’ll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life." — Jed McKenna   The spiritual journey can be compared to creating a bonfire — a huge epic bonfire.   You gather a lot of wood, preferably all...

I Am God

I Am God

You might have seen people in spiritual circles acting a little cheeky.   They say heretical things like, “I am God.”   Some people might even call them delusional, completely batshit crazy insane. People with a command of psycho-spiritual language would...

Nothing in Particular, Everything in General

Nothing in Particular, Everything in General

Look for yourself and tell me what you find.   Stumble through every layer of your experience:   Body — not me. Thoughts — not me. Feelings — not me. Sensations — not me. Anything that can be observed — not me.   You seek and search and scour.  ...

Synonyms for All That You Are

Synonyms for All That You Are

Often the words that represent the values most of us strive for or at least consider desirable, are synonyms for what we already are. Which is why we don’t need to strive for them and instead, recognize them.   Freedom: Try to find the boundaries, the limits, the...

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