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Love Doesn’t Hurt, Attachments Do

Love Doesn’t Hurt, Attachments Do

That love hurts is one of the assumptions no one likes but we all take for granted. But why does love hurt? Why is the one thing that, poetically speaking, has the power to transcend time and space causing so much pain?   Because it's not love we are speaking...



When it comes to what could or couldn't happen many of us think in terms of probability as if probability is an actual intermediary that actually influences actual happenings. But all it really does is keep us in a limited way of thinking where we are victims of some...

Are You Crazy?

Are You Crazy?

Recently, I've been, surprisingly often, asked if I wasn't ever afraid of going crazy (losing my mind), or if I am maybe not already beyond that point. Usually, this question followed a conversation about the nature of reality with a fairly open-minded individual....

Don’t Get Your House In Order, Burn It Down

Don’t Get Your House In Order, Burn It Down

Most of us treat our lives like a house that needs to be in perfect order. We have all these corners of our house demanding our attention -- family, friends, career, health, house, etc. -- and we are convinced that all these corners deserve our attention.   Not...

Non Duality: Everything You Need to Know

Non Duality: Everything You Need to Know

Non-duality is the most devious thing ever. It's supposed to serve the great escape but mostly serves the great entrenchment.   Many of us, when we have reached the point of non-duality during our years of spiritual searching, think that's it. We've reached the...

Why Being Your Authentic Self Seems So Difficult

Why Being Your Authentic Self Seems So Difficult

Being your authentic self should be the easiest thing in the world, and it would be if the world wouldn't do such a fantastic job at convincing each one of us that being yourself is the last thing you should be.   How does the world do it?   Why Do I...

Your Soul Is a Glorified Ego Thought

Your Soul Is a Glorified Ego Thought

You might have read the title of this article and were intrigued, yet at the same time mildly offended. Granted, the title seems like it’s originating from the cynical mind of someone who doesn’t believe in a soul. But before you label me a heretic and an unspiritual...

The Meaning of Life Is Going on Walks

The Meaning of Life Is Going on Walks

No amount of crazy wise dudes always hanging around the corner store can give us a satisfying answer to this seemingly important question: What is the meaning of life?   So, right now, we will attempt to answer a question that has been asked for millennia. And...

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