
Hi, I’m Luka,

I’m a writer, artist, and coach. Here you’ll find all kinds of interesting things. Mostly you’ll find illustrated writings on the human condition, waking up from it, and living from a place of wakefulness.

If you want to turn your life into a work of art, then you have come to the right place.

Join my email list for insights into the art of living.

101 Steps For Transformation Cover
Finding the truth of you Cover

Read a Book

I’ve written two books. My hope is that they will help you understand who you are more deeply and shift into a more fulfilling way of being.

Read a Book

I’ve written two books. My hope is that they will help you understand who you are more deeply and shift into a more fulfilling way of being.

101 Steps For Transformation Cover
Finding the truth of you Cover

Latest Writings

I Will Take Care of You for a Week

I Will Take Care of You for a Week

When you look into a mirror, what do you see?   You see a pile of flesh that we generally call a person. And this person in the mirror is the person you have learned to identify with.   This person is associated with wishes, desires, fears, problems,...

Anxiety Is a Coping Mechanism

Anxiety Is a Coping Mechanism

Anxiety is modern society’s bread and butter.   Social conditioning is the only reason anxiety is rampant in the first place. We're conditioned to be anxious.   If we had a bunch of psychiatrists rummaging around everyone’s psyches, most people could be...

The Philosopher’s Worst Nightmare

The Philosopher’s Worst Nightmare

When you wrestle with existential questions it’s inevitable to reach a certain intellectual end-point. That intellectual end-point is usually not a comfortable one because it comes with two bummers:   - I don’t know anything except that I exist (and even ‘I’ is...

When Are You Done Working On Yourself?

When Are You Done Working On Yourself?

If you're reading this I know you've worked on yourself plenty.   You’ve laid all your problems out, felt every emotion there is, turned the lights on, faced the shadows, and done all you could to fix whatever you believed needed fixing.   At what point are...

Your Ambition Is Killing You

Your Ambition Is Killing You

Ambition is generally regarded as a good thing.   The world loves go-getters. People who want to save the planet, populate other planets, and make Trillions of dollars while doing so. Whatever gets the boats floating.   Ambition is telling you that you can’t...

Life Is Not About Improving but Accepting Yourself

Life Is Not About Improving but Accepting Yourself

For a long time, I unknowingly believed that the goal was to fix all the aspects of myself I deemed less than acceptable. (This is what the whole self-improvement market rests on.)   In short, I tried to perfect myself.   I was convinced I could only truly...

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