If there were a meaning to life (there isn’t) then it would be to create. I use the word create here in the broadest way. As broad as your field of vision — immeasurably broad. So when I say create I don’t mean you need to create something “material” as...
When my friends and I went to town to see the magic show we didn’t know what to expect. We’ve heard great things. We’ve heard shocking things. We’ve heard unbelievable things. It was a warm summer night. The event was happening outdoors in the town’s...
The question of whether we have free will or not is usually considered one of the biggies. But anyone who spends some time thinking about this will realize that it’s actually not that mysterious. I’m not sure if there is still debate about this. Most likely...
There is a German word that wonderfully expresses the non-specific discontent that gets us on the right track towards awakening or even a more, dare I say, authentic life where conditioning-riddled decisions, opinions, and actions are no longer the norm — Weltschmerz...
Let’s briefly forget this whole awakening business and focus on something partially related. You have to dream well. In other words, you should enjoy the life you’re living. Many people find themselves living nightmares and use that as their fuel for...