Life is like one of those 3D dot pictures (aka autostereogram). You can spend all your time looking at the dots, never seeing the image. Most of us spend our whole lives looking only at the dots. But if you stare long enough or know what to look for...
“Quietly yearning for what you don’t have while dreading losing what you do. For 99.9% of your race that is the definition of reality. Desire and fear baby.” — The Analyst, Matrix Resurrections (Yes, I’m quoting the Matrix movie no one apparently liked.) What do...
There is a paradigm of being that most people are not aware of. Many people feel offended when you question their current somnambulistic state of being. This is something I can and can’t understand. I can understand it because defending,...
How are your attempts at self-improvement going? If I were to guess they’re probably somewhere in between succeeding at the expense of great effort or failing by defaulting to your default. Perhaps the problems started when you decided that you were not...
Most of us approach life upside-down. We care more about how our life looks on the outside to others than how it feels on the inside to our very own selves. There are two main reasons for that. The first is the biggie. Other people are...
Sit alone in a safe space. Nothing needs to be done now. Everything is fine. How long until your mind claims something is wrong? How long until thoughts demand action? “I should be learning something.” “I should be working...