Your Life’s Middlemen

Your Life’s Middlemen

If you’re perceptive you will notice something about the life you’ve been conditioned into.   It feels kind of… clunky, choppy, almost intermediate. It’s as if you’re playing a first-person shooter with slow internet — everything’s glitchy, your aim’s off, and...
The All-Consuming Fire

The All-Consuming Fire

“Give a man a match and he’ll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.” — Jed McKenna   The spiritual journey can be compared to creating a bonfire — a huge epic bonfire.   You gather a lot of wood,...
I Will Take Care of You for a Week

I Will Take Care of You for a Week

When you look into a mirror, what do you see?   You see a pile of flesh that we generally call a person. And this person in the mirror is the person you have learned to identify with.   This person is associated with wishes, desires, fears, problems,...
Your Ambition Is Killing You

Your Ambition Is Killing You

Ambition is generally regarded as a good thing.   The world loves go-getters. People who want to save the planet, populate other planets, and make Trillions of dollars while doing so. Whatever gets the boats floating.   Ambition is telling you that you can’t...

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