Ambition is generally regarded as a good thing. The world loves go-getters. People who want to save the planet, populate other planets, and make Trillions of dollars while doing so. Whatever gets the boats floating. Ambition is telling you that you can’t...
For a long time, I unknowingly believed that the goal was to fix all the aspects of myself I deemed less than acceptable. (This is what the whole self-improvement market rests on.) In short, I tried to perfect myself. I was convinced I could only truly...
“The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.” — William Blake You’ve heard this one. Whether you understood it or not, you know it sounds wise. Perhaps Mr. Blake here has followed his own advice and has become a wise fool. But what...
Forget for a moment who you think you are. Forget the life story, crafted by a select few events, you’ve been identifying with. What lies ahead? What is your potential? I have no clue. But more importantly, neither do you. When we think...
If there were a meaning to life (there isn’t) then it would be to create. I use the word create here in the broadest way. As broad as your field of vision — immeasurably broad. So when I say create I don’t mean you need to create something “material” as...
The question of whether we have free will or not is usually considered one of the biggies. But anyone who spends some time thinking about this will realize that it’s actually not that mysterious. I’m not sure if there is still debate about this. Most likely...