Most of us approach life upside-down. We care more about how our life looks on the outside to others than how it feels on the inside to our very own selves. There are two main reasons for that. The first is the biggie. Other people are...
“Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)” — Walt Whitman Many of us are afraid to speak our minds openly and frankly. We fear that we might be wrong, and that people will judge us and that...
Do you like figuring things out for yourself? Do you dislike being a follower? Are you willing to get your insights anywhere, whether it’s in a book, a bird’s chirp, or a neighbor’s rude remark? Then you might be a spiritual anarchist....
I have a suggestion. How about instead of making New Year’s resolutions that you’re going to slack on in a few weeks or months, you ask yourself who’s the one making the resolutions? Who’s this apparent person who knows what’s...
Fear is the driving force of the world. I would prefer saying love is the driving force of the world, but the amount of psycho-spiritual contortions I’d have to do is a bit too much. On the other hand, if love is your preferred word for all-that-is then...
I used to be a professional overthinker. There was no topic my mind couldn’t turn into doomsday scenarios. Of course all of this was accompanied by all kinds of unpleasant feelings. Because thoughts were keeping all my attention, naturally, I believed...