Welcome to this article, my friend. Instant manifestation sounds like a cool thing, right? But what does that even mean? Does it mean materializing anything you can imagine with a mere thought? It might be, but who has made you believe that there is anything...
Fear is often demonized as the thing we need to rid ourselves of to reach our highest spiritual potential. But let’s be honest here for a second (perhaps even a minute). How is this ridding ourselves of fear working out for most of us? Not good,...
Writing is thinking’s true form. In fact, writing is more than thinking, writing is destroying thought. Writing is as spiritual as it gets. When you write, you pick thoughts and put them on paper to convert them into a more graspable symbolic form. But by...
“There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is dangerous.” — Hannah Arendt When was the last time you sat down and did some serious thinking? What do you think when you think about dangerous thoughts? What is a dangerous thought to you? ...
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” – John Muir An old man is sitting on a small plane, not flying too high, gently gliding over a vast forest landscape. As he peacefully looks out the window he takes in all the...
After having received my certification in transpersonal coaching and coaching my first clients, I have repeatedly experienced the effortlessness behind this approach to coaching. And this is not only true for my role as the coach but also for the client who is...