Let’s assume you have all the survival needs covered. You have shelter, food, …well, that’s basically it. Now, what do you want? Everything you want from here on out is not because you need it. Through an intricate mechanism of countless...
You’re not as smart/good/kind/beautiful as you think. If that rubbed you in the wrong way, then it’s because that’s part of your self-identity. I don’t mean that being smart/good/kind/beautiful is part of your self-identity (though it might be) but the...
“Quietly yearning for what you don’t have while dreading losing what you do. For 99.9% of your race that is the definition of reality. Desire and fear baby.” — The Analyst, Matrix Resurrections (Yes, I’m quoting the Matrix movie no one apparently liked.) What do...
There is a paradigm of being that most people are not aware of. Many people feel offended when you question their current somnambulistic state of being. This is something I can and can’t understand. I can understand it because defending,...
How are your attempts at self-improvement going? If I were to guess they’re probably somewhere in between succeeding at the expense of great effort or failing by defaulting to your default. Perhaps the problems started when you decided that you were not...
I used to be a professional overthinker. There was no topic my mind couldn’t turn into doomsday scenarios. Of course all of this was accompanied by all kinds of unpleasant feelings. Because thoughts were keeping all my attention, naturally, I believed...