Before we get our feet wet, let me warn you. This is not going to be a standard do this and that how to get what you want article. What is going to happen here is first and foremost an honest self-investigation.
We’re going to look behind your desires to discover what it is you actually want and how you’re standing in your own way to get what you want now. So, while reading this piece keep your attention on yourself and see how it applies to you.
Alright then, enough disclaimers, let’s get into it.
What do you desire most in life?
Freedom? Happiness? Joy? Peace? Love? A pet giraffe?
No matter what material thing you desire, the real desire behind it is always an emotion/feeling.
Ok granted, a pet giraffe is not an emotion, but it could be. Who decides these things anyway, right?
Now, let’s see how to get what you want.
Let’s pick an example from my life you might be able to relate to.
My biggest desire for as long as I can remember was freedom. I wasn’t always sure what this freedom exactly looked like, but it generally included the whole spectrum you can think of. Financial freedom, freedom to travel whenever I want, freedom to do only what I want to do, freedom from mental suffering, you name it.
For a long time, I thought I needed all these things to finally get to this place called freedom.
But all these beautiful things in mind were not freedom. They were the demonic gatekeepers standing between myself and freedom.
I asked myself: “If freedom is nothing but a feeling, what is keeping me from experiencing this feeling right now?” Well, the answer was: “All the conditions that I have set upon freedom.”
The things I defined as freedom were actually the hindrance to freedom. Oh, what irony.
Now, what did I do next?
I shone a laser-like focus of awareness on these things and started to see them for what they are. This included two things:
1. Looking deeply at the emotions around all the conditions I had created and being with them until they dissolved.
2. Thinking about the conditions free from emotional attachment. This thinking made me realize that the conditions I had put upon freedom were conditioned into me.
The conditions you have put on desired emotional states are nothing but conditioning. How’s that for an insight?
Now, I don’t claim to be done with it. There is so much in our individual experiences that screams for deeper investigation.
See this as an invitation to look at what you desire most and how the condition you have put upon whatever you desire is the thing you need to discard.
Does that mean that you’ll never get the million dollars, the lover, or the pet giraffe?
No, that’s not what it means. You may or may not get these things, but to get what you really want right now, you must see the condition for what it is—the obstacle.
And in my past experiences, I most often got what I wanted the moment I stopped giving a hoot about it. Craving something is like building a psychic block between you and your desire (classic boy-girl theory: boy wants girl, girl doesn’t want boy. Boy no longer wants girl, now girl wants boy).
But, and this is a big but, if you try to trick yourself and keep a little bit of attachment, you won’t make it. Holding anything back means holding everything back.
It doesn’t matter if the balloon is tied to the ground with a hundred or only one string. Any amount of string will keep the balloon from soaring through the sky.
A balloon, just like you, is made for soaring. So if you want to soar through the sky like a glorious balloon, cut all the attachments. Dare to do it. Claim your birthright. What do you have to lose?
If you want to investigate and understand your reality on a deeper level and recreate yourself, don’t forget to check out my eBook experience 101 Steps For Transformation.
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