Don’t we all want to be free of worries and anxieties and experience a sense of freedom on all levels?
Society tries to keep your focus on the external world and makes you believe that to be happy and free you have to do certain things and have other things.
That is not how the universe works though.
To experience true and lasting freedom and happiness we have to start the other way around.
Meaning, first you are free and happy and then you’ll see that the things you will do and have are happening seemingly by themselves and from a state of being your true self.
Another truth is that by engaging in a mindset of scarcity e.g. “I don’t have enough money” or “I wish I had more money” you are creating this experience of not having enough money in your physical reality.
So, the first thing to do is to listen to your emotions and start letting go.
The Art of Letting Go
There is a lot of information out there on letting go and stopping worrying. But many of us don’t know how this works in practice.
Some sources even suggest pushing your emotions away and “defeating” them.
But your thoughts, emotions, desires, and deeds are like a river. If you jump into the river and try to swim against it you will eventually run out of energy and feel the full force of the river dragging you down.
So instead what you should consider is not jumping into the river at all.
If you experience an emotion, let’s say anger, don’t try to repress that anger and think you shouldn’t feel angry.
Every emotion is there to be felt.
Also don’t try to rationalize the anger, don’t try to make sense of it. Thoughts can be very deceiving as they are self-reinforcing.
One thought leads to another one leads to another one leads to another one.
Instead, fully accept that you are experiencing anger now, don’t try to change anything about it. Furthermore, don’t engage in chitchat of the mind. Shift your consciousness away from your mental space and into your heart space.
Feel the anger, surrender to it, just let it be there, not more, not less.
When you just focus on the feeling and not the thoughts, you will soon see that the energy behind the anger dissipates. This is usually followed by a subtle feeling of lightness.
You have now let go.
Another thing you’ll realize is that the thoughts have disappeared as well.
Every emotion can evoke thousands of thoughts.
Accordingly, if you let the emotion go you let the thoughts go.
To Experience True Freedom
The times you successfully let emotions go are the times you have a taste of true freedom, of how we can manifest freedom into our life by using the tool of letting go.
Moreover, you might come to the understanding that all our experiences of constraint (non-freedom) are created from within.
The more you let go the more you’ll recognize that you are not your emotions, rather you have them.
And as much as you have them, you can also not have them by just acknowledging them and then letting them go.
Furthermore, all the emotions concerning non-freedom can be let go as well.
It’s like peeling away layers of an onion, the more layers you peel away the closer you will get to the core, to the truth.
And the truth is that we are free, every one of us.
We have been conditioned to put so much importance on the mind and try to figure out the truth through thoughts, that we forgot that the truth can only be accessed through the heart.
Inner Freedom, Outer Freedom
I understand that some people will say but what about bills, what about responsibilities, what about my job.
Open yourself up to the possibility that your outer space is just a reflection of your inner space.
Your feelings, thoughts, words, and of course deeds create your reality all the time.
If you feel sad and have sad thoughts all the time, your external experience of the world will be a sad one. On the other hand, if you feel happy and free and your thoughts are full of gratefulness, your external experience of the world will be a happy and free one.
By that, I don’t mean forcing yourself the feel happy because that rarely works.
But by continuously letting go of negative emotions you will make room for positive ones.
Continuous practice will improve your ability to let go and also increase your innate understanding that you have emotions and are not your emotions.
Letting go of the desire to own your thoughts and feelings can reduce the resistance to letting go.
The willingness to let go of everything also removes the blocks to the things you want in and from life.
As you are not working against the flow of the universe anymore but with it.
Consistency and Gentleness
At times you might feel frustrated or think, “this isn’t working.”
But by only seeing what is on your shovel right now, you sometimes forget how much you have already shoveled.
So be gentle with yourself and remind yourself of the progress you have made.
The important thing, as with most habits, is consistency.
Be aware of your feelings of frustration regarding the process. Frustration is a feeling that can be let go as well.
As you consistently let go you will feel yourself become lighter and freer. Embrace those feelings.
Trust that you are on the right track to reclaiming your inborn freedom.
Soon you will see that happiness, peacefulness, and freedom is not some faraway goal, but it is right here.
A shift in consciousness will occur and life will open up for you.
For further reading into letting go, I recommend the book Letting Go by David R. Hawkins.
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