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We all have at some point in our lives asked ourselves how to let go of that old stuff that’s dragging us down. And although it’s a simple concept, it seems confusing to most of us. So much so that there is an abundance of books about letting go.
Now before you get into the books I would like to offer you something that will make this whole topic a lot easier for you.
You see when we say: “I want to let go,” there is a whole lot of effort implied. We are trying to let go. But the more we want to let go the more we seem to hold on to it.
I struggled with the concept of letting go for a long time. I just couldn’t wrap my head around how to “do” it. The more I tried to let go, the more I doubted if I’m doing it correctly.
My mind didn’t want to accept it. That is until I changed my view about letting go. Then it all fell into place.
Instead of letting go, I assumed the attitude of acceptance. Essentially, it’s the same thing. The way to let something go is to accept it as it is.
Yet in the word acceptance, there is a lot less resistance.
Think of a topic that is weighing you down. Now in your mind tell yourself: “I am letting this go.” Notice what it feels like.
Then think of the topic again and tell yourself: “I am accepting this.”
Can you notice the difference?
Another thing to keep in mind is that letting go is a natural ability we have. Children do it all the time without thinking about it.
Our need for conceptual understanding is the crutch. It’s best to not overthink this whole letting go thing.
So now that you have let go of the concept of letting go, let’s dive into the books that will help you be a master in the art of letting go.
Letting Go by David R. Hawkins
“Emotions themselves are actually the cause of the basic fear that drives everyone to seek security constantly.” – David R. Hawkins, Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
Letting Go by David Hawkins was one of the most life-changing books of my life. Not only is it an entertaining and informative read, but it instills a sense of ease – all is well – inside you.
The beauty of this book is that it’s useful for the spiritual seeker as well as for the individual after worldly wealth and success.
Every part of our human experience is addressed in this book. Money, relationships, health, career, happiness, spirituality. And the way to be fulfilled in all of those areas is the same: letting go.
He weaves his decades of work as a psychotherapist and consciousness researcher together with spiritual principles and his own and other people’s experiences.
The book describes the process of letting go in an almost deceivingly simple manner.
But the matter of fact is that it really is that simple. Although this book offers a lot to satisfy the intellect, it’s best not to try to understand letting go with the mind, but to just do it.
It took me a while to get it, but when I did it, oh boy was it a revelation.
After you have finished reading this book, you’ll be a different person from when you have started reading it. In the book, he takes us through the levels of consciousness and chances are that by the end of the book, you’ll have raised your level.
I have come back to this book many times and I always seem to find something that is useful in my current situation.
If you don’t know which book to start with, this is a good choice.
The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer
“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.” – Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul
Michael A. Singer’s story is quite extraordinary.
He just wanted to have a calm and secluded life to follow his spiritual practices, but somehow ended up founding a Billion dollar software company.
Although this book is not about his personal story, his commitment to the principles he describes is what got him more than he had ever expected to receive.
Note: If you want to read about his personal story, check out his other book: The Surrender Experiment
Basically, The Untethered Soul describes how you can transcend your ego, realize your true Self, always remain in a high energy state, expand beyond yourself and go with the flow of life instead of blocking or fighting it.
When I read it, I was not new to the concepts he talks about, but still, I found the book compelling and enlightening. It offers an interesting and easy-to-understand perspective on the subject of surrendering or letting go.
What stuck with me the most is the idea of never closing.
When we experience emotional pain, we tend to tense up, contract and close, and try to avoid it. Instead, we should consciously relax and stay open and receptive while facing the pain.
When you do this, you will, as Michael says in his book,
“…feel tremendous resistance to doing this, and that’s what makes it so powerful. As you relax and feel the resistance, the heart will want to pull away, to close, to protect, and to defend itself. Keep relaxing. Relax your shoulders and relax your heart. Let go and give room for the pain to pass through you. It’s just energy. Just see it as energy and let it go.”
The Untethered Soul is definitely a book worth reading no matter where you are in your personal journey.
Awareness by Anthony De Mello
“How does one cope with darkness? Not with one’s fist. You don’t chase darkness out of the room with a broom, you turn on a light.” – Anthony De Mello, Awareness
This is another book about letting go I come back to over and over. Certainly one of my favorite books and the book I give away as a present most readily.
The premise of this book is pretty straightforward. The only thing that’s lacking for your happy-ever-after life is Awareness.
It’s written in an easy-to-read conversational tone and full of metaphors, anecdotes, and humor. Further, it’s divided into many short chapters, so it’s perfect for reading a chapter and then contemplating it.
Have I mentioned that it’s hilarious?
Honestly, at times I cracked up laughing as you can really feel Anthony’s unique style of teaching shine through.
He exemplifies the human condition in such a direct and obvious way, that sometimes you can just be in awe of our capacity for self-inflicted suffering.
Here is one fantastic quote about how we attach our emotional state to the behavior of other people. This is how he says most of us operate:
“I want to tell you exactly how you’re expected to behave, and you’d better behave as I have decided or I shall punish myself by having negative feelings.”
Isn’t that funny yet tragic? But it’s true, so true.
The book is full of these profoundly obvious statements. Awareness is an entertaining tough love wake-up call for anyone who wants to live a free and happy life.
You should definitely put it on top of your reading list.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” –Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle is a classic and chances are that if you have read any book on spirituality it’s this one.
If you have not, it’s still not too late.
It was certainly not one of the first books I have read on the topic. Yet, even after having read quite a few books about letting go and similar topics, I still found value in it.
His realization story is quite an extraordinary one.
One night, at the height of his depression, he said to himself, “I can’t live with myself anymore.” Questioning this peculiar statement by asking himself who the “I” is who can’t live with the “me” anymore, he fell asleep just to wake up realizing he lost his ego overnight.
Now in this state of deep and undisturbed peace, he spent two years sitting around on park benches before becoming a spiritual teacher.
The basic premise of the book is that all that exists is the now. There is nothing else. Life is just a series of present moments.
All the pain we experience is because we are trying to change things we cannot change. And we do this by always worrying about the past and the future.
His main practical suggestion is to always observe the mind without judging or condemning its contents.
Then, letting go happens on its own because when you no longer judge your thoughts, you no longer keep them in mind for evaluation.
The Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin
“The only reason we want to understand our problems is because we are planning to have them again.” – Hale Dwoskin, The Sedona Method
The Sedona Method is the most practical book on this list.
It’s like a self-directed course on releasing emotions. If you have no experience with letting go and don’t quite understand how to do it, then this book is a good pick.
At first glance, this book seems less “spiritual” than the other books on the list, but this is just to make it more accessible. Even to the “non-spiritual” folks.
Yet the founder of the Sedona Method, Lester Levenson, was without a doubt a self-realized individual. He developed the method with the intention to give others a quick and simple way to reach ultimate freedom – the highest state of awareness.
“Every time you feel miserable, there is present an excellent opportunity to make a big step forward.” – Lester Levenson
It certainly takes commitment to go through it and do all the exercises, but the rewards will be plentiful if you do. At least for me, they were.
It seems like there is a lot to remember and many different processes to use. But the point is to reach such a deep understanding of releasing emotions from all possible angles that it becomes your second nature.
And after you have gone through this book, done all the exercises, and experienced the results, it will be your second nature.
Which Book to Start With?
Now with all these books about letting go, you might wonder, “Which one should I start with?”
The answer is you can start with each one of them. So it’s best to listen to yourself and recognize which one attracts you the most.
Nonetheless, here is my take on it.
If you want an interesting concept about different levels of consciousness, know, how letting go positively influences your life in each area, and how to let go, Letting Go is a good start.
If you have no experience with letting go and want to master the art of it in an applied and practical manner, The Sedona Method is the right choice.
In my experience, you can pick up The Untethered Soul and The Power of Now at any time you feel like it. They both offer an interesting and practical approach to life.
If you are new to spiritual concepts, Awareness might be a hard pill to swallow. But if you are ready for it, it will open your eyes.
In the end all books about letting go talk about the same thing from different perspectives.
It’s just a matter of if you want to ascend the mountain from the east, the west, the north, or the south.
Just pick one, apply the teachings, see what works for you and then go from there.
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.” – Lao Tzu
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Very nice, Luka! You’ve done well in briefly summarizing all these books. While I’ve read all of them (except Awareness), practice them daily, give them to friends, and readily share and teach the ideas to those who are are open and ready, your perspectives and courage to share have added to my ongoing growth and understanding. And, of course, my heart! Thank you! Namaste! ❤