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Death Awareness: Memento Your Mori
"What is the greatest wonder? Each day death strikes, and we live as though we were immortal. This is the greatest wonder." – The Mahabharata Let's get to something uncomfortably real, shall we? Death. The attachment to life is the mother of all...
Can You Handle True Freedom?
True freedom is not for the faint of heart. Most of us want to be free. At least that's what we think we want. We claim we want to be free from pain, free from suffering, free from any kind of inner turmoil. And of course free to be, do, and have...
How to Practice Self-Inquiry Correctly
Self-inquiry (also written self-enquiry) has been developed and promoted by Indian sage Ramana Maharshi as the most direct method to self-realization (also referred to as truth-realization, abiding non-dual awareness, and enlightenment). The technique can be...
There Are Only Two Types of Spirituality
There are so many different types of spirituality floating around that you might wonder, "Who comes up with all this stuff?" After all, is not all spirituality directed at the same common goal - to wake humanity up? Though many would probably debate me...
The Truth About Manifesting
Before we get started, I want to warn you. This is not going to be a how-to manifest something with these techniques kind of thing. This is going to be a seeing reality with open eyes kind of thing. Does that mean manifesting isn't real and...
Thinking For Yourself Hurts
"The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue." – Antisthenes We all would like to believe we are thinking for ourselves, but honestly, we are not. For most of my life, I can tell you, I have hardly been thinking...
The Ego Is Not What You Think it Is
"There seem to be two kinds of searchers: those who seek to make their ego something other than it is, i.e. holy, happy, unselfish (as though you could make a fish unfish), and those who understand that all such attempts are just gesticulation and play-acting, that...
There Is Only One Spiritual Practice
Human spirituality is a curious thing. We walk around in small purposeful circles from one spiritual practice to another always avoiding the one thing that needs to be looked at. The Truth. At least that's what I did in the last few years. Always...
The Best 5 Books About Letting Go
As an Amazon Associate, I may earn some coffee money from qualifying purchases (at no additional cost for you). We all have at some point in our lives asked ourselves how to let go of that old stuff that's dragging us down. And although it's a simple...
What Is The Mind And How Can You Free Yourself From it?
What is the Mind? Psychologists all over the world are overcomplicating the question of what the mind is. The answer is so simple but we are taught to look for complexity, so complexity is what we get. Yet the greatest truths are so simple because...
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