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The truth about manifesting


Before we get started, I want to warn you. This is not going to be a how-to manifest something with these techniques kind of thing.


This is going to be a seeing reality with open eyes kind of thing.


Does that mean manifesting isn’t real and doesn’t work?


No, quite the opposite.


It’s not only real, but it is literally working all the time.


But most of us see this whole manifesting thing as a tool you turn on and off when you need it, which is usually when we are in a state of want or need.


When you truly understand what I’ll give my best to communicate here, your life won’t be the same.


Because here is the thing.


When you get this right, you’ll exactly have what you need when you need it, and to that extent, it will be an instant manifestation.


When we’re always looking for new manifestation techniques and follow the newest law of attraction fad, we are deluding ourselves. We’ve all been there and to some degree may still be there. And that’s ok. But it doesn’t need to be that way.


Many of us look towards other people to guide us and tell us how it’s done, but this is ridiculous if you honestly look at what’s going on here.


The Truth About Manifestation Techniques


Before I start bashing manifestation techniques, let me point out that I’m not saying that they can’t work.


For many people, they do work. But they only work to the degree that you expect them to work, and many people fail because they don’t expect them to work.


Also, don’t let me keep you from trying techniques yourself. All my intention here is to get you to think for yourself and to see your self-sovereignty.


Anyway, one thing that seems to be common is that many of us treat manifestation techniques like some kind of irrefutable law. We like to forget that these techniques have been developed by humans like you and me. Remember, the thinking for yourself part.


God didn’t descend from the sky and bestow upon us the 3-6-9 manifestation technique or whatever is out there.


Every technique you can learn is just a cosmetic and to some degree a cop-out.


Instead of finding out how this stuff really works, we hang ourselves up on techniques, which, when you understand this whole manifestation thing, are unnecessary.


When you know how to walk, you don’t need to learn about different techniques to improve your walking, you’re already walking perfectly fine.


Similarly, you’re already manifesting all the time, you don’t need techniques.


But the worst thing is that techniques are often counterproductive.




Because they focus on developing the thing that is in the way to manifesting your desires, the mind.


Again, I’m not trying to get you off of using manifestation techniques, use them all you want. I have used them as well. So this is not about saying that techniques are wrong. They are not.


It’s about better understanding why we’re using them and that when we understand what manifestation is about we don’t need them.


Know that every technique we are using is fear-based.


Or to put it another way, techniques are an act of self-persuasion.


So it’s not about the technique itself. It’s the assumption that the technique will make us believe that we’ll get what we want (at least that’s the hope).


We are afraid that we won’t get what we want, so we think that by using techniques we can somehow help this whole thing along and seal the deal.


This brings us to the next point.


Authentic versus Inauthentic Desires

Authentic versus inauthentic desires


If manifesting works, how come so few people get what they want?


Well, I would argue that we all get exactly what we want.


The problem is that most of us think we want our ego-clad fear-based desires. In short, inauthentic desires.


The only reason that you don’t get what you want is that you don’t really want it (i.e., you can live without it).


The things you have in your life are always the things you absolutely couldn’t live without. And inauthentic desires are certainly something you can live without.


Now how do you differentiate between authentic and inauthentic desires?


It’s quite simple. Honesty and truth. You have to be willing to open your eyes and look at yourself.


See how everything you think you want is what society has made you believe you should want. If you are doing this right, you may feel quite disillusioned, akin to a life crisis.


When you see that your whole life was an attempt to keep up with the Joneses, fulfill a status quo, and gain approval from people you don’t care about, then you are ready to ask yourself what you really want.


At the point of disillusionment, all your inauthentic desires will start dropping away. The things you thought you care about, you will no longer care about at all.


The basic example is money.


We all, to some degree, desire money. But it’s not the money we’re interested in, it’s the freedom of choice, the optionality, the security, the control that comes with it.


You might be thinking that there are many people out there who are manifesting inauthentic desires.


I’m not refuting this.


Everything I said is not meant to say that it’s impossible to manifest inauthentic desires. It certainly is and in the greater scheme of things every manifestation is serving its purpose in an intricate web of interwoven happenings.


All I’m saying is that inauthentic desires are usually accompanied by a whole lot of suffering and dissatisfaction.


If manifesting a private jet, a yacht, an island, and a billion dollars is what you are about, by all means, go for it. But perhaps the same thing that makes you say you want these things is also the same thing standing in the way between you and those things.


Why Manifestations Don’t Work


“Get out of the way you silly goose.” – The Universe


Why manifesting doesn’t work for you? In one word, ego.


All the ego wants is based on fear and usually revolves around security, control, and approval.


Let’s take the money example again.


If we follow the desire for money to its root we will see that it’s fear-based. Basically, we want money because we don’t want to starve or freeze to death. So the desire for money arises out of the fear of death or non-existence.


Yet, the desire for money is not good or bad.


However, if you want money but are always thinking about how you’re lacking money, you won’t have a good time.


This is true for many of us.


We desire something, but at the same time fear that we won’t get it. We want something, but usually think about what we don’t want.


We are constantly sending out mixed signals to the universe (or whoever you want to consider the doer of everything) which is slowing things down.


If there was no more fear-based thinking, we would only think about the things we want and, hence, would only get what we want.


But if you think you can trick the ego through affirmations etc., forget about it. Your ego is way smarter than you and if you don’t recognize that and respect it, you’ll have very little chance against it.


Because we are blindsided by our ego around the clock, we don’t understand our relationship to our environment and the universe at large.


Instead of simplifying the equation and eventually seeing that all thoughts and emotions are limitations, we tend to keep adding to it.


Hence, I’m not suggesting that you should try to control your thinking.


You can if you want to but you’ll grit your teeth on this task. So again, this is about understanding what’s going on. When you understand, the thinking will take care of itself, which it does anyway.


We think we have to do this and that in order to achieve our desires. We think we need to use our intellect to figure out how to manifest them. We take responsibility.


This is the true block.


Not that we don’t know how, but that we believe we need to know how.


This cluttering of something essentially so simple is obstructing the flow (imagine this as a clogged pipe). And as long as we keep identifying with ego, it will be harder than it needs to be to let the water flow through the pipes.


How Does Manifesting Work?


“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


We must surrender the illusion of control, which initiates a death/rebirth process.


Through unconditional surrender, you’ll master the universe. By releasing control, you are in perfect control.


Once we understand what manifesting really is and how it really works, it becomes our natural mode of operation.


Now how do you get to this point?


Look at life honestly, see it clearly, and everything else follows naturally.


There is no technique I can offer you here. What I can tell you is that if you really want to see, you’ll come up with your own way to open your eyes.


Usually, it’s as simple as opening our eyes, but for some, a more radical intervention might be needed, like cutting off your eyelids (I’m speaking figuratively here, please don’t cut off your eyelids).


It sounds hard to grasp, but that’s exactly what you need to surrender, the grasping.


All you need to do is get out of life’s way. Relinquish control, leave the ego alone for a while, stop trying to make things happen all the time.


Being in a fully surrendered state, you set a clear intention about what you want to manifest, and the universe gets to work to deliver it to you.


Manifesting With The Universe

Manifesting with the universe


“If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.” – Carl Sagan


Now, how do you simplify manifesting so that you don’t need to think about your desires all the time?


It’s quite simple. You align with the big playful puppy aka the universe.


Look at it this way.


You want what’s best for you, right?


So far so good.


Now all you need to do is to trust the universe, which has been here way longer than us, to know what’s best and how best to make it happen.


Leave your brain out of the equation. Do you think your brain knows better than infinite intelligence how to get things done?


Yet we are not trespassers or uninvited guests on a spinning globe, as we so often assume, but co-creative partners.


When you see that this is a magical place and that you are not only part of it, but you are it, then manifesting your desires will be as natural as breathing for you.




“You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it.”

– Neville Goddard


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Hello friend! My name is Luka and I am the creator of mindfulled. Here you'll find illustrated essays and stories about spiritual awakening and the art of living.

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