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How to Improve Your Life When You Feel Overwhelmed
If you are anything like me you perhaps know the following. You want to improve your life but there are so many construction sites in your life that you don’t know where to start. You feel overwhelmed by all the areas you want to improve and in the end, you are...
Non-Attachment: What It Is and How to Practice It
Considering all the things we hold so dear in our lives, non-attachment sounds unrealistic, doesn‘t it? Many of us, however, confuse non-attachment with being emotionally detached, cold, and not caring. But practicing true non-attachment is quite the...
How to Overcome the Left-Brain Barrier to Divinity
As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a little coffee money from qualifying purchases. The first and last time I have heard someone say the left-brain barrier to divinity was when I listened to the audiobook version of Robert Moore’s The King Within. I...
Levels of Consciousness by David R. Hawkins
Because we don’t know what consciousness is or where it is generated, we often struggle with the concept of raising our consciousness. Moreover, there seems to be a limitless plethora of levels of consciousness. Some states are of short-term...
The Downside of Good Habits
Since I first started on my path to grow and become my best version, I was always looking for good habits I can implement to improve my life. Some of the habits, such as a regular workout routine, stuck with me for a long time and some I discarded because they...
Why You Should Stop Lying Today
With the rise of fake news and people trying to sell you stuff by manipulation and shady business practices, lying seems to have become a big part of our life. So, why stop lying if it's "normal" to do so? Well, it doesn’t have to and shouldn’t be that...
How Desire Causes Suffering
You probably already heard before that desire causes suffering. But a life without desires seems unimaginable for most of us. Desire involves acquisition and accumulation. And while desire may be a primary motivator for many achievements, it is also the...
Is Spirituality for Losers?
Is Spirituality for losers? The short answer is yes and no. No: If you think of a loser as the classic definition of the word, someone who is losing in life, while others are winning. Yes: If you think of a loser as someone ready to lose everything;...
A Simple Guide to Start With Meditation
To start with meditation was one of the best decisions of my life and I would say it's the most important habit I have incorporated into my daily life. When I started meditating my mind would jump around and 5 minutes would feel like an eternity. But, as with...
How to Overcome Guilt
What is Guilt? Guilt is a form of fear. It's associated with feeling wrong and punishment. I struggled with guilt for a long time. Partly because of my religious upbringing and the belief I would be punished in the afterlife for my wrongdoings, and...
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