Welcome to this article, my friend. Instant manifestation sounds like a cool thing, right? But what does that even mean? Does it mean materializing anything you can imagine with a mere thought? It might be, but who has made you believe that there is anything...
“There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is dangerous.” — Hannah Arendt When was the last time you sat down and did some serious thinking? What do you think when you think about dangerous thoughts? What is a dangerous thought to you? ...
Before we get started, I want to warn you. This is not going to be a how-to manifest something with these techniques kind of thing. This is going to be a seeing reality with open eyes kind of thing. Does that mean manifesting isn’t real and...
“The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue.” – Antisthenes We all would like to believe we are thinking for ourselves, but honestly, we are not. For most of my life, I can tell you, I have hardly been...
“There seem to be two kinds of searchers: those who seek to make their ego something other than it is, i.e. holy, happy, unselfish (as though you could make a fish unfish), and those who understand that all such attempts are just gesticulation and play-acting,...
What is the Mind? Psychologists all over the world are overcomplicating the question of what the mind is. The answer is so simple but we are taught to look for complexity, so complexity is what we get. Yet the greatest truths are so simple because...