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How to Stop Overthinking: 3 Simple Steps
How do I stop overthinking? is something that most of us have asked us at one time or another. "Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded." – Buddha Many sources state that it’s introverted and smart people who suffer from extensive...
How to Be More Creative: 8 Ways to Increase Creativity
Does this sound like you? "I'm just not that creative." "I wish I could write/paint/sing that well." "I wish I had more creative talent." If it does then you came to the right article. So many of us limit our creative abilities with statements like the...
The Superconscious Mind: A Higher State of Being
Most of us have heard of the subconscious and unconscious mind. But few have come across the term superconscious mind. But a lot of people have experienced a superconscious state without being aware of it. Now you might be wondering what exactly is the...
How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Fast
What is Subconscious Reprogramming? What does it mean to reprogram your subconscious mind? Subconscious reprogramming is when you change your subconscious beliefs and habits to align with your desired life. Often what keeps us from living the life...
The Subconscious Mind: 8 Secrets Revealed
The Subconscious Mind: Definition To be straightforward. There is no precise definition of the subconscious mind. The Cambridge dictionary, for example, defines the subconscious as "the part of your mind that notices and remembers information when you...
Lucid Dreaming Techniques: The Ultimate Guide
What is Lucid Dreaming? Reading this article on lucid dreaming techniques I assume you already know what lucid dreaming is. Yet, if you came here by a happy accident and don’t know what lucid dreaming is, let me explain. Lucid dreaming is being...
6 Steps for Spiritual Growth
How Do You Define Spiritual Growth? Before we get to the steps for spiritual growth it is helpful to determine what spiritual growth is. Spiritual growth can mean a lot of different things. For me, it means to live a more fulfilled life. When you...
What Does Being Healthy Really Mean?
We often assume that being healthy is a matter of not having a disease or not having any injury. But this is just one piece in a holistic concept of being healthy. Most of us know that we can be healthy physically but still feel bad. And feeling bad is...
Spiritual Bypassing: Self-Avoidance Instead of Self-Realization?
What Does Spiritual Bypassing Mean? The term spiritual bypassing was first coined during the early 1980s by the late psychotherapist John Welwood who was a leading figure in transpersonal psychology. John defined spiritual bypassing as the "…tendency to...
10 Common Cognitive Biases that Influence Your World View
What Are Cognitive Biases? Let’s start with a question, what are cognitive biases? Cognitive biases are errors in memory or judgment that are caused by the inappropriate use of cognitive processes. We all can agree that our memories are not...
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