“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” – John Muir An old man is sitting on a small plane, not flying too high, gently gliding over a vast forest landscape. As he peacefully looks out the window he takes in all the...
Before we get our feet wet, let me warn you. This is not going to be a standard do this and that how to get what you want article. What is going to happen here is first and foremost an honest self-investigation. We’re going to look behind your...
From the moment I first became aware of what I considered to be inadequacies in myself I was on a personal transformation crusade. I wanted to change, to transform myself. Ultimately, I wanted what I would now call life transformation. Now, looking back at my...
The first time I experienced the pleasures of imposter syndrome was when I started sharing my views on the internet like I’m doing right now. My guess is that virtually anyone who shares their view, message, or opinion with an audience experiences it. Being an...
After having received my certification in transpersonal coaching and coaching my first clients, I have repeatedly experienced the effortlessness behind this approach to coaching. And this is not only true for my role as the coach but also for the client who is...
Life is a mess, isn’t it? And the usual way we deal with it is by avoiding looking at the painful truths about life. These truths may hurt, but they’re on the way to freedom from delusion and self-deception. All you need to do is look at them...